Saw this coming

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When the Republican Senate predictably decided that it’s going to acquit Donald Trump in his sham impeachment trial, most pundits predicted that this would “embolden” Trump to become “unrestrained” and that as result he’s going to magically win the 2020 election. Palmer Report pointed out that there’s no factual, logical, or evidentiary basis for any of this, and that instead we’re likely to see the same old Trump.

Our reasoning was straightforward. Trump has already spent his entire presidency carrying out his corrupt schemes in emboldened and unrestrained fashion. How is that going to change now? The guy was already trying to criminally conspire with Ukraine to rig his reelection before he got impeached. In fact it’s why he got impeached. It was typical of the dimwitted reelection schemes he’s been trying for the past three years, all of which have left him with a roughly 40% approval rating and terrible 2020 prospects. We sarcastically asked if acquittal was going to somehow make Trump a smarter criminal.

Now, sure enough, Trump has Mike Pompeo in Ukraine as we speak, trying to push Ukrainian President Zelensky into saying that Trump didn’t try to extort him over foreign aid. As if this is somehow going to help Trump at all. He’s still carrying out the same one-dimensional schemes as ever. It’s concerning, in the same way that it’s always been concerning: this guy is an idiot with idiotic schemes, and the big fear is that sooner or later one of his idiotic schemes might accidentally work. Trump hasn’t suddenly been granted new superpowers, or a new level of sophisticated thinking, just because he’s been acquitted.

Palmer Report also pointed out that acquittal or no acquittal, Donald Trump is going to continue being the same old narcissistic doofus who tweets things that don’t help his cause. Sure enough, today Trump referred to himself as “America’s Greatest President.” How is this going to get him the additional votes he needs in 2020? It’s not. Trump is the same villain today that he was before the Republican Senate decided it’s going to acquit him. Nothing’s changed. If we were beating him before, we’re still beating him by now. The only way he’ll win is if the Resistance gets discouraged and stops fighting.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report