Saw that coming…

Earlier today New York Attorney General Letitia James caught Donald Trump submitting a court filing that listed Florida-based addresses for six of his New York businesses. This two-bit stunt on Trump’s part could only have worked if no one noticed. But James and Judge Arthur Engoron aren’t rubes, and so Trump’s stunt has gone nowhere.

This was all predictable, right? We know that even after losing in this case, Trump would still try to cheat his way out of the verdict. And we all knew he’d fail, because cheap parlor tricks don’t work when the professionals are paying attention.

It turns out it was even more predictable than you might have imagined, because a political commentator named Tim Hogan predicted three days ago that Trump would indeed try to move assets around like this.

Interestingly enough, Hogan seems to think that Trump’s asset-shifting stunt could get him into more criminal trouble once he inevitably files bankruptcy. Of course now that he’s been caught in the act so early in the game, he may not even be able to try such a thing.

But it’s a good reminder that Donald Trump is always losing these days, and that his last ditch stunts don’t help him in any way. Changing the addresses of his businesses hasn’t allowed Trump to delay the inevitable asset seizures by even a single day. If anything, this kind of malfeasance makes it harder for Trump to convince the courts to give him the benefit of the doubt on any other tactics he might try.

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