Donald Trump has completely senile meltdown about “knocker fields”

Donald Trump is now so senile, he doesn’t know where he’s at, or who people are, or what the current decade is. He’s gotten rid of three states in the past week. Trump is also increasingly prone to saying nonsense words and gibberish phrases, as his mouth attempts to fill in the gaps during his increasingly frequent cognitive failures.

In a new twist today, Trump initially got the talking point correct when he said “soccer fields” – before circling back and inexplicably correcting it to “knocker fields”:

This underscores the point that Trump isn’t merely misspeaking. It’s not as if he knows what he’s saying and he’s just having the trouble getting the words to come out. He correctly said “soccer fields” but then he decided that wasn’t right and he changed it to something incorrect. Trump has no idea what he’s trying to say. And he has no idea if what’s coming out of his mouth is correct or not. He’s getting worse.

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