Sarah Huckabee Sanders finally does a press briefing, and it goes completely off the rails

Sarah Huckabee Sanders went so long without bothering to do a press briefing, we were beginning to think she might have cut a plea deal against Donald Trump and entered the witness protection program. But sure enough, there she was this afternoon, taking questions and not answering them, or answering them with lies, or just plain going off the deep end.

At one point Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked a straightforward question: does Donald Trump believe that the Democrats hate the Jews? Her response was that the media should go ask the Democrats if Donald Trump thinks the Democrats hate the Jews. And that was one of her less incoherent answers.

At another point Sarah Huckabee Sanders was asked about why Donald Trump kept writing $35,000 checks to Michael Cohen, if they weren’t for a criminal purpose. Her answer was that she didn’t know. Elsewhere she claimed that Trump, who never holds press conferences of his own, and who almost never sends his Press Secretary to do press briefings anymore, is the most accessible president in modern history.

So yeah, if you didn’t watch it, you didn’t miss anything. In fact, you’d probably have lost fewer brain cells if you’d spent that time hitting yourself over the head with a blunt object instead. But the upshot is this: there’s a reason Sarah Huckabee Sanders never bothers to take questions from the media anymore. There are really no answers to be given about this slop pile of a fake presidency, and no one believes a word she says anyway.

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