Rudy Giuliani and Jerome Corsi just gave something away about Donald Trump and tonight’s debate

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Rudy Giuliani appeared on Fox News today and, while struggling to come up with words or make any sort of sense, falsely claimed that doctors have diagnosed Joe Biden with dementia, and that Biden is planning to take Adderall during tonight’s debate, and that Biden will be wearing an earpiece. At the same time, pro-Trump conspiracy theorist Jerome Corsi falsely claimed that Joe Biden somehow has the debate questions in advance.

It’s clear that Trump’s buddies Giuliani and Corsi are worried that Joe Biden will dominate tonight’s debate, and so they’re making up excuses in advance for why Biden will outshine Trump. At the simplest level this is an attempt at managing expectations – and they’ve just given away that they expect Trump to perform fairly poorly tonight. But there may be more to it.

When you make oddly specific false accusations about the other guy, it’s usually because you’re guilty of that specific thing, and you’re hoping to muddy the waters in case you get caught. So it’s notable that one of Trump’s guys is insisting that Biden is abusing Adderall, when it’s Trump who has long been accused by multiple people of being an Adderall abuser. It’s also notable that one of Trump’s guys is insisting that Fox News gave the questions to Biden in advance, when we all know that Fox would be more likely to give the questions to Trump if anyone.

So let’s keep an eye on things tonight. If Donald Trump behaves in a manner that’s consistent with Adderall abuse, then Rudy may have just given away that he’s abusing it. And if Trump’s answers tonight end up strongly suggesting that he knew the precise questions in advance, then we may need to look into why Corsi said what he said. In any case, Trump’s guys clearly don’t think tonight will go well for him.

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