Ron DeSantis is even stupider than we thought

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– How poorly are things going for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis? His brand new Communications Director just took her Twitter account private. It’s not just that DeSantis is inept and corrupt. He’s also inept at being corrupt. And the people he hires are just as big of numbskulls as he is. It’s part of why he’s beatable in Florida in 2022.

– He won’t get credit for it, but President Biden has managed to thread a seemingly impossible needle in bringing about a ceasefire in the Middle East. It’s a reminder that diplomacy doesn’t consist of foot stomping or mean tweets, but using the leverage you have behind the scenes.

– If these dumbass Senate Republicans want to do a filibuster against investigating the Capitol attack, let them. They’ll just be handing the Democrats votes in the midterms, given that the vast majority of Americans support investigating the Capitol attack. And we’ll still get a 1/6 congressional investigation, in some form, with or without them.

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