Roger Stone goes off deep end, posts meme of himself wearing a swastika, says “I love this” [updated]

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Update, 8/14/18: Roger Stone has deleted the image in question, and he’s now claiming he didn’t see the swastika – even though there were eight prominent swastikas in this image. Our original article follows: As Special Counsel Robert Mueller comes closer to indicting and arresting Donald Trump’s oldest pal Roger Stone, suffice it to say that Stone has been acting even more strangely than usual. For instance he really wants everyone to focus on the paternity of his friend’s child, even though no one else is even talking about it. Now Stone has made an even stranger post which, well, is almost hard to describe – except that it involves a swastika.

An unknown individual made a meme aimed at making fun of Donald Trump’s “Space Force” idea. It depicts Trump and six of his allies, including Roger Stone, photoshopped into astronaut suits with Nazi swastikas on them. Stone somehow got wind of the meme, and decided to post it on his own Instagram account, declaring “I love this,” No, really.

Here’s the image that Roger Stone posted. He included the caption “I love this – proud to be in this crew – but the only lies being told are by liberal scumbags”:

So what’s really going on here? Are we supposed to believe that Roger Stone is so senile, he didn’t notice that this meme has eight swastikas in it, including one on his chest? Or is this his way of trying to appeal to the Nazis in Donald Trump’s base? In any case, now that Stone’s friend Kristin Davis has testified before the grand jury, and Stone’s associate Randy Credico, is being subpoenaed to testify, we’re getting very close to the part where Stone is indicted and arrested. We’re pretty sure there’s no Instagram in jail.

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