Donald Trump and his henchmen take their self-defeating stupidity to a whole new level

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The prosecution rested yesterday in the criminal trial of Donald Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort, who’s spent the past few months sitting in a jail cell. Yet Trump and his other henchmen have spent the day finding such imaginative ways to screw things up for themselves, Manafort may in fact not have had the worst day of the bunch. We’re honestly not even sure where to start here.

There’s Donald Trump who spent thirteen hours ranting about Omarosa yesterday. In the process he admitted that he had no legitimate basis for hiring her in the first place, and that he had no idea she hadn’t been showing up to work until someone pointed it out to him. Then he claimed that the producer of the Apprentice had just called him to assure him that there are no tapes of him saying the N-word, which logically speaking, was the same thing as having admitted that there are such tapes. Then it got worse.

Trump’s close pal Roger Stone posted posted a meme on Instagram of himself wearing a prominent swastika, and declared “I love this.” No really, this happened. Either Stone has gone completely senile, or he’s now purposely embracing the Nazis. Then there was Trump’s defense lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who demanded that Jeff Sessions appoint an “Independent Counsel like Louis Freeh or Judge Mukasey to investigate the ‘investigation and investigators.'” What?

By the time Donald Trump’s former fixer Michael Cohen posted a tweet disputing Omarosa’s claim that Trump once ate a piece of paper, it was just gravy. These people are idiots. They’re also criminals, scumbags, racists, liars, and traitors. But at the heart of it all, they’re cartoon-level idiots. Even Paul Manafort, who screwed up so badly that he got his bail revoked and then later got himself moved to a worse jail, must be shaking his head at the rest of the bunch.

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