Donald Trump’s guy Robert Hyde goes completely berserk after FBI begins investigating Marie Yovanovitch surveillance

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CNN reported that the FBI visited the home and place of business of Robert Hyde yesterday, in relation to newly published text messages in which he appeared to tell Lev Parnas that he wanted to hire local goons to target U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. Hyde was not arrested and there’s no indication that he’s going to be charged with anything, but the visit alone makes clear that the FBI is taking this matter seriously.

Robert Hyde has spent the past few days insisting on Twitter that while the text messages in question really are from him, he wasn’t serious about targeting Yovanovitch. He’s also spewed a number of strange conspiracy theories about everyone from Adam Schiff to George Soros. Now that the FBI is looking into him, Hyde has gone completely berserk.

Hyde tweeted a video of himself today, in which he claims that he and Lev Parnas were just “effing around” when they were sending the text messages in question, and that he was “down in Ecuador climbing volcanoes” at the time. Hyde then demanded that Adam Schiff release the text messages that Hyde exchanged with an unknown person named “Anthony De Caluwe or [unintelligible] or whatever his name is. He works for government, departments, whatever he is.” Well that really narrows it down.

Robert Hyde is insisting that Adam Schiff somehow planted this “Anthony” person to screw with him. It’s not clear how Schiff is supposed to get his hands on text messages between Robert Hyde and this Anthony character. The House has the messages between Hyde and Parnas because Parnas voluntarily turned them over to the House. Hyde is now also making clear in a separate tweet that he thinks Parnas is a “scumbag.” This comes after Parnas used his TV interview to call Hyde a “drunk” and a “weird” character.

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