Donald Trump doesn’t know what planet he’s on

Even though Donald Trump’s Republican Party fared poorly in the elections held in 2018 and 2019, and polling says the Republicans are set to fare poorly in 2020 as well, Trump is certain his party is going to do well in 2020. In fact he’s so certain of this, he’s now convinced the Republicans are going to win elections in 2020 that don’t even exist.

Trump posted this tweet today, based on nothing factual, for no apparent reason: “Your 2nd Amendment is under very serious attack in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia. That’s what happens when you vote for Democrats, they will take your guns away. Republicans will win Virginia in 2020. Thank you Dems!”

Here’s the thing. Virginia doesn’t have any state elections in 2020. It’s one of those states that has odd-numbered-year elections instead. So there’s nothing for the Republicans to win in Virginia in 2020. And lest you think Trump is simply forgetting an obscure detail, he and his party just lost the state elections in Virginia two months ago, when they were held in November of 2019.

Now Donald Trump has already forgotten that Virginia held its elections two months ago, and that his party got blown out of the water in that election. He’s sure the elections in Virginia are going to happen this year instead, and he’s going to win them. This guy no longer even knows what planet he’s on.

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