Rep. Cori Bush relocates her House office after in-person harassment from Marjorie Taylor Greene

Just how out of control is new House Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene? It’s not just that she’s spent the past few years promoting deranged conspiracy theories and harassing school shooting survivors to their faces. Her behavior inside the Capitol is apparently off the rails as well.

House Democrat Cori Bush posted this tweet today, detailing her experiences with Greene: “A maskless Marjorie Taylor Greene & her staff berated me in a hallway. She targeted me & others on social media. I’m moving my office away from hers for my team’s safety. I’ve called for the expulsion of members who incited the insurrection from Day 1. Bring H.Res 25 to a vote.”

Bush added this: “On Jan. 13 — after members tested positive for COVID-19 after being locked down with her on Jan. 6 — Marjorie Taylor Greene came up from behind me, loud and unmasked. I called out to her to put hers on. Her staff yelled at me, ‘Stop inciting violence with Black Lives Matter.'”

Marjorie Taylor Greene is clearly out of control, to the point that she’s clearly a danger to those around her. Expulsion requires a two-thirds vote. If House Republicans refuse to provide those votes, then every House Republican who seeks reelection in 2022 must be held accountable by voters for allowing Greene to remain.

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