House Judiciary Committee is blowing off recess to work on the impeachment process against Donald Trump

Earlier today, Chairman Jerry Nadler and the House Judiciary Committee announced a court filing which asserts that they need Robert Mueller’s grand jury transcripts in order to make a determination on impeachment. That’s a complex way of saying that they just opened an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump.

Jerry Nadler confirmed to the media that this is indeed “in effect” an impeachment inquiry. Moreover, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is clearly on board with it, or it wouldn’t be happening, as Nadler is loyal to her. The fact that the impeachment process is beginning in a court filing, as opposed to a more bombastic method, is a reminder that impeachment is going to come down to court battles anyway. To that end, Nadler just made a major announcement about the month of August.

House Democrats are already in court fighting to compel various witnesses to turn over evidence against Donald Trump and/or publicly testify against him. The Democrats will win these court battles, but they have to wait until that happens before making a final decision about filing articles of impeachment. Nadler publicly announced today that “our work will continue into the August recess.”

In other words, not only has the House Judiciary Committee begun the impeachment process against Donald Trump, it’s blowing off August recess in order to make sure that it wins the necessary court battles in order to make impeachment viable. Stay tuned, because there’s clearly more coming down the impeachment pike, and this is merely the first salvo.

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