Rachel Maddow reveals ugly scandal involving Steve Mnuchin and Mohammed bin Salman

The Biden administration is now just hours away from releasing the ugly details of the investigation into Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s role in the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi. As tends to happen in these situations, details are leaking out about other people involved in the scandal.

On her MSNBC show this evening, Rachel Maddow revealed that in the days after MBS had Khashoggi murdered, Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin canceled an MBS summit he had been planning to attend, but then he privately met with MBS anyway. Now Mnuchin is launching an international investment firm and specifically seeking investments from the Middle East.

In other words, Mnuchin spent his time as Treasury Secretary “giving away the store” to Middle Eastern despots, as Maddow phrased it – and now he’s cashing in with those same despots. It’s not immediately clear if Mnuchin’s antics were criminal in nature. But if this was a quid pro quo, then Mnuchin could be in real trouble.

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