Rachel Maddow just bulldozed Donald Trump Jr.

When it was reported earlier this week that Rachel Maddow would be taking a “break” from her nightly MSNBC show, viewers feared the worst. Was this a euphemism for a long term hiatus, or even retirement? Had she burned out? But then came the good news: she’ll only be off the air for a few weeks, and it’s because she’s working with Ben Stiller to turn her “Bag Man” podcast into a movie.

Donald Trump Jr., never one for facts, or details, or coherence, decided to celebrate this development as if Maddow were leaving the air permanently. Junior bizarrely tweeted this: “Seems the TRUTH finally broke her! Rachel Maddow to take break from MSNBC to produce film: report.”

That’s when Rachel Maddow jumped in and replied to Donald Trump Jr. with this: “LOL do you think he knows it’s a film about a criminal in the White House? And… prosecuting him? For crimes?” We’re guessing Don Junior still doesn’t quite get it.

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