Psychological warfare

I’ve been writing for Palmer Report for quite a while now. It remains some of the most joyous of work I’ve ever done. And I’ve written countless articles. This is one of the most important. We are into the home stretch now. And as we head into the final countdown, there lurks a bit of danger ahead.

This danger is from television personalities. It’s from online pundits. It’s from Maga. It’s from certain polls. It can all be lumped together, though, into what we call “psychological warfare.”

Psychological warfare — “the planned use of propaganda and other psychological operations to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, and behavior of opposition groups.”

This is what is already being done for a variety of reasons — for ratings, drama, etc. The people who do this are attempting to depress turnout. They are marching to the beat of the “it’s over” drum. In the coming days, you will hear about crackpot polls that many will solemnly report to be the truth that is in reality from Republican firms.

You will see pundits jump on the “red wave” express. Actually, we already have. Some good pundits will call it out. But please listen closely and heed my warning: do NOT take it seriously.

I cannot say whether we will win or lose, but neither can they. Only as we get closer, they will sure try. The narrative is already in place. If you’re paying attention, you no doubt have noticed this too. I know you have. I’ve seen some comments on it.

“Abortion doesn’t matter to voters.” This from a smug pundit after talking to — wait for it — four voters. I kid you not.

“Fetterman’s behind!” This after a republican poll that undersampled blacks and young people came out.

That polling company is widely known to lean very republican and also had Trump winning in 2020 AND the republicans winning both Georgia special elections. You won’t hear that information from most pundits.

Psychological warfare can be brutal. It’s sometimes like trying to battle the undercurrent of the ocean’s pull. It WANTS to pull you down. It wants you under the sea in darkness. And it wants that very badly.

So please ignore the bullshit. Concentrate on the voters, activism, turnout, and leave the psychological warfare to the miserable. That’s how we win.

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