Here’s your proof that Donald Trump is hosed

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

Donald Trump’s poll numbers are on the rise โ€“ his impeachment poll numbers, that is. His own Republican Party is already fraying in its support for him. Trump and his own top people are throwing each other under the bus in a frantic effort to deflect the blame from themselves. This all terrible for Trump, of course. But if you want one piece of evidence that proves Trump is hosed, I’ll give it to you.

Last night Donald Trump’s State Department revealed to the Washington Post that it’s now investigating Hillary Clinton’s emails. No really, this is somehow happening. In the year 2019. This isn’t some phantom effort either, as the State Department has informed more than a hundred people that they now stand accused of exchanging classified emails with Hillary Clinton, even though none of the information was classified at the time. That’s right, with the Trump regime now crippled, and its time short, it’s focusing huge manpower on this nonsense.

Imagine you’re a bank robber and you’ve been cornered, and you’re trapped in a small room with limited remaining oxygen โ€“ and instead of trying to plot your escape or negotiate your surrender, you’re using your last few breaths in a futile effort at framing your old rival for a nonsense crime. That’s what Donald Trump and his dying regime are doing right now.

This is absolute proof that Donald Trump is hosed. Not only is he up against something that’s larger than he is, with no idea how to fight back against it, Trump and his people are putting their very limited remaining time and energy into trying to frame Hillary Clinton. Even if they could get anyone outside Trump’s deranged and dwindling base to believe the email thing, it won’t make one difference when it comes to impeachment. Trump is done.

Dear Palmer Report readers: it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against Trump. Click here to donate $25 or $50.