President Biden sticks it to Putin

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Despite meddling in the US elections the way he does in every other country, with baseless conspiracy nonsense that the GOP is peddling for him, Vladimir Putin has claimed that he prefers President Biden re-elected over Donald Trump. This is largely being seen for the facade it is – particularly since Donald Trump himself hasn’t said much on Putin’s own preference.

It’s obvious that he’s far too intimidated by Putin to even try pushing back. At the same time, there’s the possibility that Putin is also as aware as we are of how dangerously unstable the former guy is, so in that situation, you’d want pretty much anyone else but Donald Trump at the helm of a country as powerful as the United States, regardless of how much you agree with them politically.

President Biden has aggressively pushed back against Putin’s efforts to invade Ukraine by making sure the aggressively fighting country continues to receive all the aid they need, even with the GOP’s best efforts at opposition. He also made clear that if Putin does in fact support his re-election bid, the support doesn’t cut both ways – taking the bold step of inviting Yulia Navalnya, the widow of Putin’s murdered opposition Alexei Navalny, to his state of the union address on Thursday, who would have occupied Dr. Jill Biden’s box during the speech.

This is a measure we’d never see the former guy take, despite his grumbling about being tough on Russia – and it’s also clear that as long as Joe Biden is president, Russia won’t be retaking Ukraine. It also leaves one wonder how far he plans to go in his speech, and why the GOP is so afraid of him making it.

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