President Biden scores one on Fox News

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All too often, the news media tries to play it as “both sides,” defaulting to how come politicians can’t get along and get this piece of legislation passed, whatever that may happen to be. Part of this is their need to get viewers to tune in and readers to subscribe, and a carefulness to not offend people who happen to either identify as Republicans or Democrats. Unfortunately, this is how Republicans often get away with some of their worst malfeasance, suffering few if any consequences if they block any legislation that will help people, and of course, Republicans can typically act that they’re fighting for the people when they do block it so they won’t lose any support.

Maria Bartiromo, who’s well known for her devotion to Donald Trump as a host on Fox Business, was hoping to use this to her advantage when she interviewed House Republican Keith Self. Bartiromo was hoping that she could hit Self with a softball question about border security and why Congress was unable to secure it, but rather than blame President Biden or Democrats, Self turned on his own party: “The problem is the Republicans, not the Democrats. My Republican colleagues are unwilling to vote to secure the border.”

Self downplayed how House Democrats would vote, even though they offered a solid security bill with nearly everything Republicans want included in it, but on Tuesday he all but admitted that the GOP has no intention of solving the issue – they just want to be able to run on border security as an issue. Now we have members of the GOP admitting that they’re the reason it hasn’t been secured – even if it’s because none of them want to cross Donald Trump. This is why they can’t be trusted with power and why we need to flip the House on Nov 5 and re-elect President Biden.

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