President Biden just turned Donald Trump’s day off into a nightmare for him

Donald Trump has each Wednesday off from his criminal trial because the judge has other commitments on that day. Today was Trump’s day off, and he spent it doing nothing. Meanwhile President Joe Biden seized the opportunity to turn the day into a nightmare for Trump.

Biden posted a video today, daring Trump to debate him. Biden even said that he’s heard Trump is “free on Wednesdays.” This left Trump with no choice but to sheepishly post on social media that he accepts the debate calendar.

In one fell swoop, Biden has managed to advance several narratives. First, he’s now on record as the one who insisted that the debates happen. If Trump makes up an excuse to pull out later, that’ll be on him. The media won’t be able to “both sides” it.

Biden also managed to goad the entire media into spending today writing articles about how Trump is on criminal trial four days a week, and only has Wednesdays free. It’s a timely reminder to the general public that Trump is indeed on trial and is not even really a free man.

Biden and his campaign are even selling “Free on Wednesdays” t-shirts right now, which helps further drive home the point that Biden is out there running a real campaign while Trump is sitting in a courtroom and in the process of becoming a convicted felon.

Today has ended up being a nightmare for Donald Trump, and he’s not even on criminal trial today. It’s all a good reminder that Joe Biden is incredibly savvy at these kinds of things, even as an increasingly hapless Trump sits there and rots with no campaign or strategy whatsoever.

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