President Biden just made his big move toward getting rid of Louis DeJoy

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If President Joe Biden had the ability to directly fire corrupt Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, he’d have done it by now. Instead, Biden can only get rid of DeJoy by putting people on the USPS Board of Governors who are willing to fire him, and that requires a Senate confirmation process.

This evening Biden put that process in motion. He nominated three people to the Board of Governors who, based on their track records, seem certain to vote to oust DeJoy. All three of them have to go through the Senate confirmation process, but there is no reason to expect that they won’t be confirmed.

President Biden was always going to find a way to get rid of Louis DeJoy. It’s just that in government, some things take time to make happen. Biden had to get the Senate to confirm his cabinet, which has now nearly fully happened, before he could have the Senate move on his Postal Board nominees. But they’re now next in line for confirmation, and once they’re in place, DeJoy will very likely become the one Post Office layoff we all want to see.

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