President Biden comes out swinging

Republicans have continuously sought to portray themselves as the “fiscally conservative” or “fiscally responsible” party, even though they haven’t been that for at least sixty years. If anything, they run up the debt with their tax cuts and corporate subsidies for their donors while wasting millions of dollars more to investigate their political opponents for what are usually nothingburgers, while generally doing the exact things they accuse their opponents of. This isn’t really even much of a secret, as right-wing pundits have already gone on record saying they don’t care about the deficit if Republican presidents are in office.

Fortunately, President Biden has been around long enough to see through it – that the only thing Republicans cut is spending that doesn’t really add to the deficit – but it does mean denying people the help they need who are less likely to vote Republican. That’s why he took an opportunity while campaigning to point out that the ones who are in fact “fiscally responsible” are the Democrats – the branding that every Democratic candidate running should use – particularly in tight races this year.

Biden made clear that one party is investing in America and lowering prices for everyday Americans, while Republicans, despite their campaign trail rhetoric, are clearly looking to find ways to give companies another tax cut at the expense of everyone else – that’s why they aren’t shy about coming for your Medicare and Social Security.

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