Major media outlets are completely blowing their midterm coverage

John Fetterman had a stroke. There, I said it. I do not want to have to keep saying it. He also had a debate with Mehmet Oz. And he won. Allow me to explain WHY he won — and it isn’t just about the issues.

Have you ever known anyone with a serious medical condition? Have you maybe had one yourself? Recovering from a serious condition is hard. It takes lots of work. And it takes inner strength — lots of it. It takes fortitude.

The fact is this man, in the midst of his personal battles, showed up. He damn well showed up and spoke from the heart. He let his future constituents know he is there for them and will be there for them.

Is it enough? I hope so. It should be. I think it just might be. In a way, the coverage of this debate spells out one thing clearly. There have never been any “liberal media.” That was a myth, a joke, another made-up story.

I write this as I listen to evil pundits asking if this courageous, empathetic, and strong individual’s medical condition — is “disqualifying.”

Think about that. With serious expressions on their faces, some pundits ask this question. They are the same ones who did NOT ask it of Herschel Walker. Herschel Walker has been ill too. It’s just that you can’t see his quite so visibly.

In his own words, he has suffered from the disassociative disorder. But he says he’s cured now. Maybe he is. But I know that disorder will. A family member’s specialization in therapy was working with people with that disorder.

It takes a long time to fix, and sometimes it is not so easily fixed. Walker has been accused of serious things, including making violent threats to his ex-wife. I have not heard many pundits ask if that is disqualifying. It is a sad commentary on our media industry. It is what I suspected might happen. And it’s infuriating.

Do you want John Fetterman to win? Then let’s help him. Let’s show up for him as he has done for us. Let’s phone bank for him, explain the inner strength that encompasses the man to voters, and get out the vote for a person stronger than most people, in ways many can’t begin to imagine.

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