Donald Trump has reached his confession stage. Get the popcorn.

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Some of you predicted long ago that once things really started to close in on Donald Trump, he would just start confessing to things. It turns out your were right. Now that the evidence, pressure and stakes are reaching a fever pitch for Trump, he’s suddenly blurting things out and making confessions left and right. It’s become enough of a trend over the past week that we’re going to see a whole lot more of it.

First we had Trump going on Fox & Friends and admitting that Michael Cohen was representing him in the Stormy Daniels matter, and that Cohen wasn’t really his attorney in almost any other matters. This was the precise opposite of the deniability that Cohen had tried to create for him and the defense that his legal team had tried to lay out. Then in that same interview Trump admitted that he’d spent the night in Moscow during the Pee Pee Tape timeframe. That was just the beginning.

The question of course is why Trump has begun doing this. When the evidence starts to stack up against you, there is the strategy of incrementally confessing to pieces of it, in order to give yourself cover for denying other pieces of it. There’s also the last ditch “yeah I did it, so what” defense, which Trump just might be arrogant enough to try. Then there’s the strong possibility that, as Trump’s psychological and cognitive condition continues to worsen, he’s just blurting things out because he can’t help it anymore.

Earlier this week Donald Trump hinted that he blackmailed Senator Rand Paul into supporting his Secretary of State nominee. Then during his rally last night, Trump hinted that he had blackmail material on Senator Jon Tester. If Trump really is sitting on blackmail material, he’s not supposed to publicly admit it. It seems Trump just can’t help himself. He’s begun confessing to things left and right, and he’s quickly getting more blatant about it. This is the start of a new trend. Get your popcorn ready.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report