Parler goes to – you guessed it – Russia

When far right lunatic social network Parler was dropped by its web host in the wake of the U.S. Capitol attack, and no other U.S. web host seemed interested in picking up the site, it was clear that Parler would have to go overseas if it wanted to try to get back online.
Sure enough, Parler is now indeed trying to get back online. Its website has reemerged, but now consists of a single static page vowing to get the entire social network back online at some point (you can go to if you really want to look at the page, but we’re not going to link to it). Here’s the kicker.
If you guessed that Parler would end up turning to Russia for help, you win the prize. Various technical experts have determined that this “new” single page version of the Parler website is indeed operating with at least the partial help of a Russia-based company. Go figure. Meanwhile, the good news is that Parler doesn’t appear to be even close to restoring its functionality as an actual social network, meaning Trump’s goons can’t use it to easily spread their messages ahead of inauguration day.