With Scott Pruitt gone, here’s who is getting ousted from the Trump regime next

Yesterday Donald Trump showed us that he knows he’s playing with an increasingly weak hand when he forced his close ally, EPA boss Scott Pruitt, to resign. Pruitt’s corruption scandals have been raging on for several months, but Trump finally decided that he’s in such a weak position of his own, he could no longer afford to keep Pruitt afloat. Now that Trump is actively throwing his own people overboard, here’s who is likely to go next.

Betsy DeVos: Although numerous Trump cabinet members have been caught up in various corruption scandals, public outrage has only been able to gain critical mass against one of them at a time. Trump forced out HHS Director Tom Price last year to try to appease the public. That merely led the focus to shift to Pruitt’s corruption. Now that he’s gone as well, DeVos is the obvious next target for public outrage reaching critical mass. We’ll see how quickly Trump is willing to throw her under the bus in order to survive another day.

Jim Jordan: This Republican Congressman has played such a key role in trying to sabotage the investigation into Trump’s Russia scandal, he might as well be a member of the Trump administration. Jordan is now caught up an ugly sexual abuse scandal, with four victims coming forward to confirm that they told Jordan that it was going on at the time, and the university’s legal department pointing to emails it sent to Jordan as well.Trump is publicly defending Jordan for now, and would like to keep him around, but the GOP Congress doesn’t want a scandal like this hanging around its neck. The question isn’t whether Jordan will be ousted, but when. The more relevant question is whether he’ll go to prison.

John Kelly and Sarah Huckabee Sanders: First there were mainstream media reports that Huckabee Sanders was preparing to resign. Then came reports that John Kelly was preparing to do the same. Then Donald Trump hired former Fox News exec Bill Shine as his new Communications Director, a usually-vacant position Trump generally only fills when he’s trying to force other senior advisers out. Now we know where the rumors came from that Kelly and Huckabee Sanders are on their way out.

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