“Our partner Trump”

“Our partner Trump.” Remember those words. These words — these terrible, anti-American words were uttered on Russian State television. The host of the Russian show Evgeny Popov, said those words. “Our partner, Trump.”

What he said specifically is President Biden should be removed from power. And he should be removed to make way for Russia’s “partner,” Donald Trump. From Russia with love. OF COURSE, they would want that. OF COURSE, they would see Trump as one of their own. He is.

Trump is the plaything of the Kremlin. He is their property, their useful idiot, the ultimate useful idiot to do with as they please.

Here are the words exactly as Popov spoke them: “It’s time for us, our people, to call on the people of the United States to change the regime in the Us.s. early, and to again help OUR PARTNER, TRUMP, to become President.” To that, we say never. It will never be. It cannot be. And it will not be.

Were Trump president, he’d be effusively praising and perhaps even helping Putin in his bloody war. Trump cares naught for the Ukrainian people, for the children, for the casualties of war.

And Putin is intimidated by President Biden. The strength he shows is not what Putin wants to see. He’d much prefer a weakling — a traitor — a mushy-brained wanna-be dictator who WORSHIPS Putin the way Putin feels he deserves to be worshiped.

What a shame so many of our own have allowed their own brains to be warped, for their hearts to be darkened, inked with the treachery of traitors. What Putin wants will never happen. This is just another of his failed fantasies.

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