One of Donald Trump’s closest associates is going on federal criminal trial this week – look for him to flip if he’s convicted

Worth watching: Trump money man Tom Barrack goes on trial this week on charges of selling Trump White House influence to Middle Eastern governments. These are complex charges, so a conviction isn’t guaranteed – but it’s highly likely.

If Barrack is convicted, he’ll have to cut a cooperation deal against Trump if he wants to avoid doing serious prison time. Given that Barrack is independently wealthy and fancies himself a legitimate businessman, it’s almost impossible to imagine him being willing to go to prison for Trump.

Given how intimately Barrack appeared to be involved in Donald Trump’s personal financial dealings with the Middle East, he could be a uniquely valuable witness for the DOJ. If Barrack is convicted, it wouldn’t be shocking to see the DOJ turn around and offer him immunity – or something close to it – if he’s willing to provide the kind of evidence and testimony that leads to Trump’s conviction. So keep an eye on this trial.

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