Oh lord, not Jared Kushner again

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Last night we all learned that a former member of Jared Kushner’s own coronavirus task force thought he was doing such a horrifying job, he filed a formal complaint with the House Oversight Committee. Even as we wait for confirmation about whether the committee is planning to hold investigative hearings over this, it turns out Kushner is on to a new scheme.

Apparently Kushner didn’t screw up badly enough when it came to coronavirus medical supplies, so now Donald Trump has put him in charge of something even more important: the coronavirus vaccine. No, really. Someone (whose name likely rhymes with “Kared Jushner”) is leaking to the Daily Beast that Jared Kushner is now in charge of finding a vaccine.

This is profoundly disturbing. The vaccine is what’s ultimately going to decide when this crisis is over. Until we have a vaccine, we’ll still be dealing with lockdowns, clumsy attempts at social distancing, idiots who refuse to wear masks, and worsening death tolls. Yet an increasingly senile Donald Trump wants to put his mystifyingly incompetent son-in-law in charge of finding the cure. Come on. This is as absurd as when OJ Simpson said he was looking for the real killers.

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