This explains Donald Trump’s oddly specific complaints lately about Robert Mueller

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Donald Trump’s Twitter rants are so routinely deranged, and so far removed from truth or reality or even coherency, it’s easy to dismiss his rambling as mere random collections of words. But sometimes Trump gives away more than he intends to. Take, for instance, his recent oddly specific complainis about Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Now we know where Trump got his source material.

This morning, Trump tweeted this about Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors: “Wait until it comes out how horribly & viciously they are treating people.” This wasn’t the first time in which Trump had made this specific allegation. It was, frankly, weird. Was Trump simply making up this oddly specific scenario, or was he repeating something that one of Mueller’s targets had told him? The answer comes in the form of words: Paul Manafort.

It turns out Manafort and his lawyers have been feeding information back to Donald Trump and his lawyers, the entire time Manafort was cooperating with Robert Mueller, according to a bizarre New York Times report tonight. The Times says that no laws were broken in this highly unethical double-dealing, but we think it may constitute felony conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice on the part of everyone involved – including, potentially, Manafort’s lawyers.

In any case, it’s now fairly easy to figure out why Donald Trump keeps posting tweets about how Robert Mueller is supposedly treating people in horrible and vicious fashion. It’s true that Mueller has indeed destroyed Paul Manafort’s life, but only because the law called for Manafort to be torn apart like this. The real upshot here, however, is that none of this appears to have helped Trump or Manafort. Trump is still nowhere, and Manafort’s life is rather clearly over.

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