Nice try, Donald Trump

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Everything in Donald Trump’s world is on fire right now, from Paul Manafort getting caught having visited Julian Assange during the 2016 election, to blowback for having used tear gas on refugee children, to Jerome Corsi selling out Roger Stone after all. Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin is trying to provoke a war with Ukraine, as an excuse to invade. In response, Trump is trying out one of his lamest antics yet.

Donald Trump is now telling the Washington Post that he’s so outraged at Russia’s new attack on Ukraine, he may cancel his upcoming meeting with Putin. Trump said “Maybe I won’t have the meeting. Maybe I won’t even have the meeting.” Yeah, that sounds really definitive. Here’s the thing. There is no way Trump would defy his puppet master Putin like this – particularly right now, with everything falling apart for Trump.

The only way Trump would cancel his upcoming meeting with Putin is if Putin has told him to cancel it. That’s plausible, as Putin is hoping to invade Ukraine with as little world attention as possible; meeting with Trump would only serve to bring a whole lot of attention to the Russia-Ukraine situation.

So we’ll see what Donald Trump ends up doing here. But if he really does cancel his meeting with Putin, it’ll only be because Putin doesn’t want the headache. Putin may not have made up his mind yet, which could explain why Trump sounds so hesitant and confused about what he’s going to do. In any case, this is a nice try on Trump’s part at standing up to Putin – but no one is buying it.

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