Now we have it in writing

“Donald Trump engaged in insurrection.” So says the Colorado Judge, who also ruled that Trump should remain on the Colorado ballot. It was always going to end that way. I’ve been aware of the various attempts to get Donald Trump’s name removed from the ballot. I never put much stock in those attempts. I never once wrote about the attempts to kick Trump off the ballot because that was not happening. However, I am writing about something else. And this is a sort of gift the Judge in the Colorado case gave us.
In his ruling where he keeps Trump on the ballot, the Judge did say that Trump had committed insurrection. This is important. It is validating. Now we have it in writing. Now, the truth is out there to reverberate through history. So yes, kicking Donald off the ballot was an exercise in futility. But how lovely that something good came out of it.
We now have it in writing — glorius writing telling the world what Donald Trump is. He is an INSURRECTIONIST. He engaged in INSURRECTION. Shout it to the hills, from the rooftops. Even though WE — all of us — always knew he’s an insurrectionist, having it in writing from a judge is lovely. Donald Trump committed insurrection. He is destined to be remembered as the traitor he is.
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