Not a good day for George Santos

It’s hard not to write about phony congressman George Santos. On the one hand, he neither needs nor deserves any additional attention. On the other, he needs to be buried (figuratively) and forgotten about, but that’s like asking people not to look at a train wreck. Santos is not only a prolific liar, but he could well be a thief. Whatever he ends up being, it appears that his constituents are making their feelings known.

A new Newsday/Siena College poll revealed that of the 653 voters polled, 78% want him to resign. Earlier, Santos said he would resign if that’s what his constituents wanted, but according to ABC News, he now said they can make the decision to not reelect him in 2024. No one really believed this buffoon would willingly step down. Santos, meanwhile, told the New York Post “This [controversy] will not deter me…I will be effective. I will be good.” If he even gets the chance to try, given that he will be facing a House investigation.

Kevin McCarthy confirmed the news to CNN, and Republicans conceded that he could be expelled from Congress depending on the findings of the committee. McCarthy told CNN: “Ethics is moving through, and if ethics finds something, we’ll take action.” Even though Santos earlier recused himself from serving on committees, McCarthy told CNN that they are “not allowing” him to serve. Either way, at least the liar won’t be making any decisions that impact the American people just yet. CNN also reported that Santos said he’s “not concerned” about the ethics probe. He should be. He’s done nothing but lie, and some of his dealings look less than above board. Santos is still banking on his constituents standing up for him, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.

According to ABC News, he recently opened a constituent office in New York. ABC visited and saw no Santos signs, and it appeared that the office still belonged to former rep Tom Suozzi. ABC found no constituents visiting when the news outlet stopped by. They spoke with an Army veteran named James Schnacker, who said he wasn’t “confident approaching Santos’ offices for services.” “You obviously can’t take his word,” Schnacker said. Two Democrats in the district earlier pledged to work with Santos toward the good of their shared constituents, but both are understandably wary. State Senator Kevin Thomas said: “[Congressional district] three, the constituents there, will not have representation.” They are (rightfully) concerned about Santos’ reputation and cannot willingly direct constituents to him for help.

ABC News also reported that Santos took to the House floor to advocate expanding the World Trade Center Health Program, which is rich since he lied about his mother dying in the incident. It has been proven that she wasn’t even in the U.S. on September 11. Either way you cut it, Santos isn’t wanted-by his fellow New York GOP members and 78% of his constituents. The best thing he could do for everyone is to resign. He is a representation of everything that is wrong in our systems.

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