No wonder Donald Trump thinks it’s a hoax

Donald Trump is here to tell you that the coronavirus is a hoax. Or at least it’s a hoax in the United States. Or the number of people infected in the United States is a hoax. Or the projections coming from the CDC are a hoax. To be honest, we’re not even sure what he’s referring to, and he probably doesn’t know either. But there is a good explanation for it.
Simply put, Donald Trump’s whole life has been a hoax. He’s spent his entire life portraying himself as a billionaire, when his lifelong massive debts mean that there’s probably never been a point where he had a net worth that wasn’t negative. His presidency is fake. His marriage is a fake. His hair is fake. His tan is fake.
Trump has also spent his life operating under fake names, at times pretending to be his own publicist. John Barron. John Miller. David Dennison. These aren’t even good fake names. Come to think of it, the hair and the tan are terrible fakes as well.
This guy is living such a lie, it doesn’t even occur to him to bother putting a competent effort into his fakery. In his broken mind, all he has to do is convince himself that his fakery is real, and he then believes everyone else will fall for it. He’s applied this concept to everything that’s gone wrong with his failed presidency as well. He got caught conspiring with Russia in the 2016 election? Hoax. He got caught trying to conspire with Ukraine in the 2020 election? Hoax. The media exposes yet another of his criminal scandals on any given day? Hoax.
Now Donald Trump is taking things to a horrifying, yet entirely logical, endgame. The world is on the verge of a pandemic that’s going to expose the sheer ineptitude of his regime, while pulling the economic rug out from under his presidency at precisely the wrong time for him. Millions could die โ and that number could skyrocket because he’s telling people it’s not even real โ yet none of that matters. Nor does it matter that calling it a “hoax” won’t save his presidency. All that matters is keeping up the illusion in his head that none of this is his fault, because none of this is real.