No wonder Donald Trump is getting indicted: he held an obstruction of justice “dress rehearsal” at Mar-a-Lago

Earlier today the news broke that Donald Trump’s attorneys have notified him that they expect Jack Smith will indict him “soon” in his classified documents scandal. Now we’re getting some additional context for just how serious Trump’s crimes were in this scandal.

We already know that Trump illegally took classified documents with him when he left office, and then falsely claimed he’d given them all back. Now the Washington Post says that Trump had his people move boxes of classified documents around Mar-a-Lago the day before the FBI searched the place. At one point they even held a “dress rehearsal” for how to pull off the relocation of the boxes. This is textbook obstruction of justice, and helps ensure a conviction.

WaPo is also reporting that Trump did indeed show classified documents to others at Mar-a-Lago. Ryan Goodman of Just Security responded to the news by stating his expectation that Trump will be indicted under the Espionage Act, because “dissemination is key.”

This is all pointing to Donald Trump being indicted for espionage and obstruction, and soon. It’s why Trump’s own lawyers are now breaking the news to him, while they still can. And it’s why Trump is having a conniption about getting indicted.

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