No one is minding the store

Even more than its criminal corruption, the most glaring hallmark of the Donald Trump regime has been its consistent incompetence. Trump is clearly surrounded by people who can’t, or can’t be bothered to, do their jobs competently. The most basic of things get screwed up. Easy opportunities to score points are missed. It’s always been this way. But in the days since the anonymous op-ed sent shockwaves through Trump’s White House, it’s become even more apparent that no one is minding the store.

We all saw the guy in the plaid shirt who somehow managed to land a coveted spot directly behind Donald Trump, in direct view of the television cameras, during his rally this week. These things happen. But even after it became clear to everyone watching at home that the guy was definitely not a Trump fan, how long did it take for Trump’s own people to catch on and swap him out? Is there no one in Trump’s orbit paying attention anymore?

It’s no secret that when formal endorsement tweets are posted to Donald Trump’s Twitter account, they’re written by his staffers, not by him. One of those tweets was posted this morning. It referred to the 2nd Amendment as the “2nd Amendmen” and Democratic candidate Peterson as “Petterson.” Trump’s own tweets are a misspelled mess because his handlers can’t stop him from tweeting things on a whim. But now even his handlers aren’t bothering to take a look at what they’re posting to his account before they post it. Six hours later, none of them have caught on to the “Amendmen” debacle and bothered to replace it.

Again, Donald Trump’s people have always been incompetent, to put it kindly. But now we’re suddenly seeing a new level of carelessness from Trump’s handlers. Maybe the op-ed has managed to distract them. Maybe they’re simply getting caught up in the overall panic of a fast-dying criminal regime. Either way, not only is Trump lost in the weeds, it looks like no one around him is even trying to shepherd him. This isn’t sustainable.

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