No handmaids here

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For those who may not have heard: there is a political story out there that has received precious little coverage. It’s a story that should make the hair on the back of your neck stand up. This story takes us to the state of Ohio. Ohio recently voted to enshrine abortion in the Constitution. Good for Ohioans! No Handmaids, they.

Ohio men, however, are not happy. They’re unhappy because with that vote came the spoiling of their chance to have Ohio women live “under his eye.” But that didn’t mean they gave up on their determination to make Handmaids out of Ohio women. Just ask Brittany Watts.

Who is that? Watts is a woman. She is a woman in Ohio. Brittany was pregnant, and tragically, she suffered a miscarriage. The GOP then charged her with abuse of a corpse. This is not a joke. This is what the Republican party IS. Abuse of a corpse. Ohio women — I hope you are listening.

Can one imagine — they suffer a traffic miscarriage at home? Then — then the monsters in office — these cold and indifferent monsters — charge her criminally? No need to wonder about The Handmaid’s Tale. It’s here. Only maybe not.

Watts was arrested in October. Then, the case went to a grand jury in Ohio. The Grand Jury just chose NOT TO INDICT. Do you hear that sound? It’s the sound of triumph as brave Ohioans took the “indictment” and ate it for breakfast.

No indictment here. This case has received — I cannot even explain how much attention this case has received internationally. After all — “Abuse of a corpse” is not exactly something you hear about every day.

The woman had a miscarriage, a miscarriage! Often, I must keep my anger out of my work. today, however, my anger lingers, like a gentle wind, whispering to me that this woman could have gone to prison for having a miscarriage.

Her lawyer expressed his gratitude. This is unlikely to be the last time this has happened. Republicans want Handmaids, compliant and passive, supplicants to the men who mete out these women’s fates.

No way, no how, no chance. Thank you, Ohio, for seeing through this repulsive “incitement,” Now let’s get Senator Sherrod Brown reelected.

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