New York State Bar Association launches probe into Rudy Giuliani’s role in U.S. Capitol terrorist attack

It turns out you can’t tell a teeming mob that they should hold a “trial by combat” and then escape consequences when that mob commits a domestic terrorist attack on the United States Capitol Building.

The New York State Bar Association is launching a probe into Rudy Giuliani’s conduct in relation to the Capitol attack, according to a report this morning from NBC News. This is a big deal for a few reasons. First, Giuliani could end up disbarred over this, and rendered unable to practice law. But this also feels like just a first step in his dismantling.

If the Bar Association sees cause to investigate Rudy Giuliani’s culpability in the Capitol terrorist attack, then it stands to reason that law enforcement sees it the same way. Giuliani is already reportedly under federal criminal investigation for taking dirty foreign money and other matters. Now he could go down for this as well. And if Trump pardons Giuliani, New York State can criminally pursue Giuliani. It’s increasingly difficult to imagine how Rudy doesn’t end up in prison.

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