New trouble for Matt Gaetz

Matt Gaetz and Kevin McCarthy together are a vast, disjointed unending game of psychological warfare and it’s unclear right now when or IF this game will ever end. McCarthy has spoken out and revealed the REAL reason — according to Kevin — why he was ousted from the Speakership. He says Matt Gaetz asked him to do something illegal.

I’d like to thank both McCarthy AND Gaetz for their ongoing stupidity. It certainly adds to why we may soon have a speaker, Jeffries. According to Ole Kev, Gaetz wanted him to break the law to stop the ethics probe into him. Kevin made this simply shocking admission on CBS and Face the Nation. Kevin faced the nation alright and spoke his truth.

But is it everyone’s truth? Well now! Here’s the problem. Both men are such slithery, dishonest rodents that I have no trouble believing EITHER ONE of them could be lying. That’s the core problem with psychological warfare among detestable people. There isn’t anyone to root for.

Gaetz’s office confirmed remarks from South Carolina Republican Rep. Ralph Norman, who defended Kevin, and said McCarthy started it, as he asked Gaetz at one point, on the House floor, “do you want this to go away?” (“It” is the ethics investigation.)

McCarthy then called out THAT explanation saying it was “bullshit.” Ah, the sights and sounds of Republican incompetence. Are you following all this? It’s a pissing contest, a boxing match. In this corner, we have Matt Gaetz.

Matt is a slimy critter, a man who was investigated by the FBI, who considers Vennmo a close friend, a hate machine with hair growing out of seemingly every pore on his body. His mission seems to be to destroy McCarthy.

In the other corner, we have Kevin, a bitter former House member who had to resign in shame and hightail it back to Bakersfield to do Jury Duty. His mission seems to be to destroy Matt Gaetz.

Ah, the wonder of it all. Who will come out on top? Will either of them? What will the next accusation be in this latest installment of “As the House falls apart”? I won’t be willing to venture a guess which sleazebag will come out the winner in this fight.

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