Donald Trump doesn’t have a prayer

Donald Trump, who has so little familiarity with the Bible that he once said his favorite book was “Two Corinthians,” is now predictably selling Bibles. He’s somehow partnered with Lee Greenwood of all people on Trump-endorsed Bibles, which he’s selling for sixty bucks a pop.

This sounds like it can’t be real, but it is. President Biden’s 2024 campaign was quick to rip into Trump for it:

This is quite embarrassing (and blasphemous given Trump’s true nature). But it’s also the latest reminder that this guy is simply broke. Even with the bond reduction in his New York civil fraud case, he still hasn’t figured out how to post bond, with the clock ticking. And he’s now reduced to selling Bibles, which will only net him a few bucks in royalties a pop. Trump is finished financially, bond or no bond.

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