Need your help on this one

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Palmer Report needs you. The Virginia Governor’s race is today. And we have a lot of work to do. Calling Palmer Report Twitter readers: All over Twitter, I see undecideds and some who are not planning to vote at all We cannot let this stand.

Want to show the pundits up? Want to make their coverage of this race a laughing stock? Then please phone bank today. If someone brings up Critical Race Theory, please educate them. Explain this is not even taught in most Virginia schools.

Are you listening Twitter? Knock on doors and explain and educate. Talk as if they’re a friend. Put up signs and write of how Trump has come out big in favor of Youngkin. Live in or near NoVa? this is Virginia’s huge population center. The area is full of Democrats. Please knock on some doors there.

Can you tweet — more than once — more than twice — to ALL your Twitter followers — tell THEM to pass on the voting message. Jam the voting locations with LINES. Vast amounts of people must show up. Saturate Virginia with fliers, with signs, with calls for Terry.

If you are outside of Virginia — do the same via phone or text. Tweet. Share Facebook (Meta) posts. Go all over social media seeking undecideds.

Want to change the Media narrative? Tweet CNN pundits and MSNBC pundits and tell them you will not watch until they stop calling Democrats “losers.” Tell them it’s packed in Virginia — with Democrats. Tell them that voter interest from Democrats is surging. Tell them lines are out the door in Blue counties.

Loudoun County is a biggie. Republicans are trying to nab voters there. Do not let them. Target tweets and calls at online newspapers and voters in Loudoun County. GO there and put up signs.

Do whatever you can. This race is now, according to a pundit or two, “leaning Republican.” This means nothing.

The media would love Youngkin to win because they mistakenly think it would up their ratings. Let them know it wouldn’t. Demand they stop demotivating Democrats. Say you will cancel your cable subscription if they don’t. Today we rise up, put in the work, and hopefully, we win.

Palmer Report fundraising drive: Contribute now