Nancy Pelosi’s new “privileged resolution” to stick it to Donald Trump

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Despite having had majority control in both the House and the Senate, Donald Trump spent two years being unable to secure funding for his pet project, the wall. Now that the Democrats have gained the House majority, Trump decided to pitch a little fit. It was almost like he was wall-shamed by a couple of right-wing trolls, then lost his marbles and declared war on the Democrats over a medieval solution to a very 21st century problem.

Although we do live in a house with four walls, as Trump’s fans love to quip, our beautiful country is not a house, it is an open plain. Some may even call it “The Land of the Free.” Yet, no, we are not a bunch of hippies living on a commune, and national security is challenging. However, Trump won’t address those challenges head-on, and instead focuses on pandering to his base in a futile attempt at boosting his approval ratings. Apparently, “the wall” is the vehicle Trump is counting on to get him there. Trump belongs on a soap opera, rather than in D.C., so he can act out his delusions.

Nancy Pelosi is bringing the drama to the front line, in response to diva Trump’s impetuous national emergency foot stomping. Speaker Pelosi issued a response in writing, notifying the House Dems about the filing of Joaquin Castro’s privileged resolution. The intent is to rally support behind Castro’s resolution and to encourage colleagues to co-sponsor the bill. It is unlikely they will have any problems, as Trump is in blatant violation of the powers of the presidency. In her letter, Speaker Pelosi warns that Trump’s raiding of the national piggy bank is unconstitutional and clearly undermines the system of checks and balances our government constitutes.

On Friday the House bill will be presented, and if passed, it will proceed to the Senate. The House already announced its intent to fast track the resolution, and advised the Senate has a deadline to respond within 18 days. If the Senate does pass the bill, and that could be a hurdle, Trump will be in the unique position of being asked to defeat his own declaration. Stephen Miller, the puffed up little toady who advises Trump, says Trump will veto the bill. So much drama, and so little legislation. We can only hope that justice will prevail in the end.

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