Nancy Pelosi prepares to drop the hammer on Lauren Boebert

Consequences are not something the GOP is that fond of, at least as it relates to them. Kevin McCarthy and his klan would instead do nothing as the behavior of House Republicans gets crazier and crazier. But we have Warrior Pelosi. And according to multiple reports, she is preparing to act.

Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota says she is confident Pelosi will act shortly to impose consequences for Boebert and her toxic and hateful words. Omar has also called McCarthy a “liar” and a “coward” for not doing — well — anything except stand silently by, his tongue apparently in the cat’s captivity.

What’s a feckless McCarthy to do? It isn’t his fault (sarcasm.) Dozens of Democrats have called for Boebert to be stripped of her committee assignments and also censored.

Omar speaking with CNN’s Jake Tapper, said this: “It’s important for us to say, this kind of language, this kind of hate, cannot be condoned by the House of Representatives.”

“And we should punish and sanction Boebert by stripping her of her committees, by rebuking her language, by doing everything that we can to send a clear and decisive message to the American public that if the Republicans are not going to be adults and — condemn this, that we are going to do that.”

So we will wait to see what the great warrior does. Boebert needs consequences, and she needs them badly. We need to send a message that hate speech is not tolerated anywhere but especially in Congress.

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