The real reason for Donald Trump’s Morning Joe meltdown

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This morning Donald Trump woke and decided that today’s target of his obsessive rage was the “Morning Joe” show on MSNBC. Trump began ranting and raving on Twitter about the show’s co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, and two hours later, he was still viciously ranting about them. There’s a specific reason Trump is targeting the duo.

Donald Trump has viciously attacked Joe and Mika before, of course. His past remarks about Mika in particular have been some of the most cringe-worthy things he’s ever said. But Trump doesn’t appear to watch Morning Joe more than occasionally, and he melts down about them rarely. So why were they suddenly on his mind today?

This is all part of Donald Trump’s ongoing obsession with Democratic Congressman Elijah Cummings. When Joe and Mika got married last year, they had Cummings officiate their wedding. Trump has already (likely falsely) claimed that Joe and Mika wanted him to host their wedding, making clear that Trump was already jealous over this.

Now that Elijah Cummings and his House Oversight Committee have exposed Donald Trump’s treasonous ties to United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, it’s clear as day why Trump has been obsessively ranting about Cummings for days. Trump is so derangedly obsessed with Cummings, he’s now melting down about Joe and Mika due to their connection to Cummings – just as Trump keeps attacking Baltimore due to its connection to Cummings. What next, will Trump also begin attacking Elijah Wood and Alan Cumming because their names are similar to Elijah Cummings?

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