More House Republican resignations supposedly imminent, would tip the majority

It’s always difficult to figure out what’s really going on with this Republican House, both because it’s always in chaotic flux, and because House Republicans can’t be relied upon to be honest about what’s going on. That said, if there are two undeniable trends, it’s that “Speaker” Mike Johnson is on the ropes, and that more House Republicans keep abruptly resigning. Now it turns out those two trends might be about to merge.

Extremist House Republican Anna Paulina Luna now claims that once a motion to remove Mike Johnson is brought to the floor, two unnamed “moderate” House Republicans are going to immediately resign in protest, thus handing the House majority to the Democrats. Presumably these two House Republicans are already planning to retire at the end of the term, and have no desire to stick around for yet another embarrassing Speaker vacancy.

There are some caveats here. For one thing, Anna Paulina Luna โ€“ like all House Republicans these days โ€“ is too dishonest to be taken at her word. In other words she could be making this whole thing up. But it is worth pointing out that as House Republican Ken Buck was resigning earlier this year, he said that there were more such resignations on the way โ€“ and since that time Mike Gallagher has resigned. So it won’t be surprising if what Luna is saying is indeed true. In the meantime we’ll just have to let these House Republicans keep eating each other alive.

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