More good news for Joe Biden

While the media likes to routinely bring up President Biden’s age as some sort of argument for why he shouldn’t seek a second term, despite him only being three years older than the former guy, they’re never exactly clear on how this impacts his job performance.

It’s been obvious for some time now that the criticism about the president’s age is largely due to a longstanding grudge the media has about not having press access and wanting this to be the year we have a brokered convention (something that hasn’t happened now in over a century.) The president’s schedule is largely public but media outlets have largely refused to cover most of the events he appears at – which suggests what this feud is really about.

On Tuesday, however, President Biden got a bit of good news from the prominent newspaper Houston Chronicle, which gave him a full-hearted endorsement for the Democratic nomination for president, ahead of the Texas primary. Their endorsement acknowledged his age but also the significance of it: The vast degree of experience President Biden has had in government and making it run effectively: “The accomplishments of an administration dedicated to governing, one that believes in the power of government to make life better for the American people, is a key reason we heartily endorse the reelection of President Joe Biden. The other reason, equally important, is to fend off the chaos, corruption and danger to the nation that would accompany the return of Donald Trump to the White House.”

It’s about time people take the election as seriously as the Chronicle is already doing. We’ve got a crucial election to look forward to – one that could define our country for the next century or better, and it’s time to look at it beyond what kind of ratings the political talk shows will bring in. It’s time we talk about all the achievements of this administration – and the most amazing economy in over fifty years, as we work to re-elect President Biden on Nov 5.

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