Mitch McConnell just screwed us all again

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Yesterday, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin hammered out bipartisan coronavirus response legislation. Donald Trump then voiced his support for it on Twitter. Late last night, the House passed the legislation. Now all that’s left is for the Republican Senate to rubber-stamp it.

The Senate will indeed rubber-stamp it, because Trump has already publicly told them to do so. The trouble is, that apparently won’t happen until Monday. Why? On Thursday, Mitch McConnell reluctantly agreed to cancel the Senate’s upcoming recess, but insisted on taking a three day weekend first. So the Senate won’t be in session until Monday.

Mitch McConnell pulled this crap, knowing full well that the House could pass emergency legislation on Friday. All he had to do was keep the Senate in session, haul everyone in today for a quick vote, and call it day. Instead he’s screwed us by delaying this legislation’s passage by two days, on a matter where every hour counts. Hopefully the Senate will come in and vote today after all.

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