Mitch McConnell just caved to Donald Trump – and it’s good news for the Democrats in the midterms

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No way does Mitch McConnell want Herschel Walker as the Republican senate candidate in Georgia. Too much baggage, too easily defeated. But Donald Trump insisted on Walker, and now McConnell is caving to Trump by endorsing Walker.

This is good for the Democrats. If the GOP keeps getting stuck with less viable candidates, simply because Trump insists on them, the Democrats’ odds of winning the midterms go up.

Put another way: would you rather go up against a scandal-drenched joke like Walker, who we can poke all kinds of holes in, or the kind of slick and hard to nail down candidate that McConnell would have preferred? McConnell knows how to win. Trump does not. He just endorses whoever kisses his ass.

It would have been even better for the Democrats if Trump and McConnell were endorsing opposing candidates and ripping the GOP apart during the primary process. But McConnell getting stuck with Trump’s easily defeatable candidates is still very good for the Democrats.

Plenty of pundits will sit around and lament about how this just means the GOP is the party of Trump. But who cares? As long as it’s the party of Trump, it’s the party of poorly chosen candidates we can more easily beat.

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