Mitch McConnell has “scorched earth” meltdown as his power slips away from him

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Remember all those doomsday narratives about how Mitch McConnell was somehow magically still going to be controlling the Senate in his new role as Minority Leader? When the COVID relief package passed, it became clear that McConnell has no such powers. Now McConnell himself is all but begging Senate Democrats not to keep going.

McConnell had what can only be described as a meltdown today, warning the Democrats not to go “scorched earth” to make their agenda happen, or else. The problem for McConnell is that he spent the past decade going scorched earth, and we already know he’ll resume doing so if he ever gets majority control again, so he doesn’t really have any threat to make here.

All this really does is give away that Mitch McConnell is afraid of what Senate Democrats are about to do. Even Joe Manchin has publicly stated that he’s open to reforming the filibuster if not killing it, meaning the Democrats are going to be able to pass whatever legislation they unanimously what. McConnell is melting down like this and making empty threats because he knows they’re going to do it, and he knows he can’t stop them.

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