Mitch McConnell gets slam dunked in Strom Thurmond debacle
In addition to having no constitutional basis and thwarting the will of the majority of voters, the Senate filibuster has deep roots in racism and systematic oppression. Mitch McConnell, who has never found an issue that he didn’t want to be on the wrong side of, has some different thoughts.
McConnell said this today about the filibuster: “It has no racial history at all. None. There’s no dispute among historians about that.” To be clear, every word of that is a lie.
Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance was one of many to put Mitch McConnell in his place:
Senate Democrats don’t currently have the votes to outright eliminate the filibuster. But they do have the votes to significantly reform the filibuster in ways that will allow them to pass their agenda. McConnell is now dishonestly defending the filibuster because he’s afraid of what the Democrats are about to do. As always, McConnell is on the wrong side of history and on the wrong side of the facts.
Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report