The big thing everyone missed in Donald Trump’s latest late-night meltdown

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In a development that’s now become predictable, Donald Trump threw yet another late-night tantrum on Twitter last night. Traditionally, Trump would only stage an angry meltdown in the morning, before usually retreating from social media for the rest of the day; he would only resume his angry ranting late in the day if things had gone particularly poorly for him that day. These days, Trump’s late-night rants have become commonplace. But last night he gave something important away that went generally overlooked.

Donald Trump has never shied away from tweeting quotes from his political and media lackeys, if they served his purposes. But the bulk of his angry ranting has consisted of his own words – until now. When he melted down on Wednesday night, every one of his many tweets was quote from someone else. It was odd enough that Palmer Report asked aloud if perhaps he had taken the night off, and these tweets had been posted by someone on his staff. But then came Thursday night.

Seven of the final eight tweets posted by Donald Trump last night were once again quotes from other people. This is a guy who usually starts his day at 6:00am. Since when does he stay up way up past a reasonable bed time just to post a bunch of self-serving quotes from his allies? And why does he somehow have the self restraint not to post any of his own unhinged words during these late night meltdowns?

Something doesn’t add up here. Donald Trump’s late night Twitter meltdowns, which used to be rare, have now become a regular occurrence. Yet they don’t actually involve him melting down. Is he even posting these late-night tweets? Is he even awake? It’s as if he’s lost the will to fight, and his staffers are concerned enough to try to cover for him, but they’re relying on third party quotes because they’re not sure what words to put in his mouth. Is Trump really out of gas?

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